Archives du mot-clé Channing Tatum



How much time do we spend on the internet ? At this point I’m too afraid to ask. Between the time we spend sneaking into people’s life, read about the story of that guy, look at the pictures of that girl, watch that video of a cat, or of people falling or whatever that keeps us from working or doing something interesting…

What if what we were doing was actually useful ?! This is what seems to think Kenneth Goldsmith in The New Yorker article of November 13th « Why Am I Teaching a course called Wasting Time on the Internet. »

The Internet have plunged us in a half awake/half asleep state that correspond to the dream culture of surrealists: In this dreamy state, humans would be more creative: maybe because we are more ourselves when we sleep or simply because of the infinity of our imagination in our dreams.

From DADA experiences like cut-up to William Burrough’s experiences on sound: I’ve copied the « detournment » and the « defamiliarisation » system and applied it on what I saw in 15minutes on the Internet.

I wanted to give a try…Probably to feel less guilty for spending all this time on the Internet.

Here’s what I came up with:

Channing Tatum is the term used to describe a particular freedom of speech.Why would you be so afraid ? The important thing in life is Obama’s Bad Economic Ideas. Federal authorities are expected to arrest entertainment. Television Becomes a Force.Womens are fighting…

This is your grandmother House Hunting in Panama. 

‘Give Us Back Our Antiquities!’ More Trauma…

Rich should pay their taxes and donate. A Saint to Some, but Not to All has found ways to put its money to work.

First, it was fun to do. Second of all the absurdity of the text can inspire you for cut-up or illustration.

However I wouldn’t read a 500 pages book only written this way.